Inndeling (WHO fra 2001)*
Variant/subvariant (forkortelse, engelsk))
Kutan mastocytose (CM)
Maculopapular CM (=Urtikaria pigmentosa) (MPCM)
Diffus CM(DCM)
Mastocytom i hud
(Mastcellesarkom i hud)
Indolent systemisk mastocytose ISM
Smouldering SM (SSM)
Isolert benmargsmastocytose (BMM)
Systemisk mastocytose med assossiert klonal hematologisk ikke-mastcellelinje sykdom (SM-AHNMD)
Undergruppen AHNMD følger WHO-kriterier for blodsykdommer
Aggressiv systemisk mastocytose (ASM)
Lymfadenopatisk SM med eosinofili
Mastcelleleukemi (MCL)
Typisk MCL
Aleukemisk MCL (sirkulerende mastceller er > 10%)
(Extrakutan) mastcellesarkom
Extrakutant mastocytom (MCS)
* Oversatt fra
Valent P, Sperr WR, Schwartz LB, Horny H-P:
Diagnosis and classification of mast cell proliferative disorders.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2004; 114(1)3-11.
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